volunteer in Israel

Volunteering is an incredible experience, one that allows you to grow a personal connection to people in completely different situations than you are. One country that could use your support is Israel. Here are some of the amazing things that your time or funding can do for the people of Israel.

Support Holocaust Survivors And Their Families

The Holocaust was a tragic event for many Jews and their families. One way to volunteer in Israel is to support the men and women as well as their families involved in this event.

Support Israelis In Need

An unfortunate but telling statistic reflects why you should volunteer in Israel. Over 21 percent of people in Israel live below the poverty line. This includes men, women, and children all of whom are in need of support. Your generosity can help this portion of the population find hope.

Sponsor Youth Activities

Many youths throughout Israel don't get the opportunity to experience activities, sports, and youth programs. The next generation of children will shape Israel. That is why it's important you support the development of activities for youth of all ages.

Help Provide Holiday Meals To Impoverished Jews

In Jewish tradition, several holidays are celebrated with special foods and drinks. Unfortunately, many Jewish families struggle to find the funds to maintain these traditions. This is an area where your funding could help.

Help Israeli Schools

Finally, an excellent way to help Israel is by funding schools. Often times, impoverished families struggle to provide their children with the supplies to succeed in school. By becoming a volunteer in Israel, your time and funds can have a huge impact.

Hopefully you have learned that volunteering in Israel can have a huge impact on a variety of people.


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